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Bahagian Pengurusan dan Pemantauan Program,

Cawangan Pangkalan Udara dan Maritim.
Aras 3, Blok F,
Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia,
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin,
50582 Kuala Lumpur.

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Gerbang Nilai


Gerbang Nilai is a project assurance methodology that involves short, intensive reviews at up to four critical stages of the project lifecycle. The reviews, undertaken by the team of experienced peer reviewers who are not associated with the project, are designed to:

Assess the project against its specified objectives at a particular stage in the project's life cycle

  • Provide early identification of areas that may require corrective action
  • Provide validation that a project is ready to progress successful to next stage

What is it?
The Gerbang Nilai process is a review of a project carried out at key decision points in the project lifecycle. The reviews are performed by a team of experienced people who are independent of the project team.

Why Use it?
Applying Gerbang Nilai at key points, will provides assurance that the project is able to progress to the next stage. It ensures that necessary project documentation is completed and approvals obtained to reduce the risk of inappropriate projects proceeding from the concept phase to implementation.

How Does It Work?
Gerbang Nilai involves short, intensive reviews at up to four critical stages of the project lifecycle.


  • Gerbang 1 - Implementation Acceptance
  • Gerbang 2 - Readiness for Design
  • Gerbang 3 - Readiness for Tender
  • Gerbang 4 - Readiness for Service



The Gerbang Nilai review report provides an overall status for the project at the particular Gerbang being assessed, as well as an indication how critical its recommendations are 'traffic light' system is used to indicate the project's overall status.


Kemaskini Terakhir (Thursday , 12 SEP 2013)

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