Senior Director : YBrs. Ir. Noreha binti Nordin
Office Secretary : Marliana binti Saharani


Office Address:
Senior Director
Civil and Structural Engineering Branch
Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia
Tingkat 10, Blok G
JAlan Sultan Salahuddin
50480 Kuala Lumpur
No. Telefon : 03-26189171
No. Faks      : 03-26189155


Performing research engineering and providing design expertise with support in the field of civil and structural engineering to branches at the JKR Headquarters, JKR State / Federal Territory or the JKR Special Unit conducting infrastructure development of government projects to assemble the National Development Policy with spotlight on:
1. Submit a 100% project / product design according to the D-Plan schedule agreed in the variance of 10%
2. Submit 100% of civil and structural engineering design for the building project cost agreed with the variance of 10%.
3. Prepare a 100% forensic report within 2 months with the variance of 10%.
4. Expend 100% of the annual allocation with the variance of 5%.
5. Make certain that at least 80% of staffs acquire the knowledge, skills and expertisewith training / exposure
2 times a year for each person with 10 variants.
6. Towards quality products that meet customer satisfaction to levels more than 80% (Based on the Customer Satisfaction Survey Form).
7. Towards quality products lead with zero complaints from customers with assurance for fewer than
10 complaints for every project related with the following characteristics:
     i. The functionality of the product as designed
     ii. Safety of use
     iii. Facilities maintenance
8. Generating a unit of a progressive, highly innovative, visionary and a sustainable leader in development of civil engineering design technology, structures and bridges by providing three (3) new innovative design and three (3) technical papers every year.



a. Design and Construction Audit
    Commence on design tasks, design audit and construction audit of the building structure and public works.
b. To carry out forensic and design works repairs. Perform forensic work, prepare reports and redesign building structure repairs.
c. Expert Services
    Provide expert advice to JKR and government agencies as well as perform innovative design.
d. Works Research and Development
     Perform development work and ongoing research to improve construction quality and product innovation.