PROGRAM STEM CREaTE JKR 2023 ends successfully after a long period of planning since 2022. The program which lasted for two days from 30 to 31 October 2023 involved 280 students from 56 schools around the State of Melaka. It was aim to provide exposure to students regarding the world of technology applied in JKR through training session at each station:
The training for each stations are as following:
1. Unit Jalan dan Pavmen Station - Let's Build a Bridge
2. Unit Bangunan dan Struktur Station - Lets Build a Strong Structure
3. Unit Arkitek Station - Urban Planning
4. Unit Mekanikal Station - Where Does Indoor Water Come From (Indoor Plumbing System
5. Unit Elektrik Station - Let’s Build an Electric Circuit.
6. Unit Ukur Bahan Station - Let's Calculate the Cost (Dream Room Decor Budget)
7. Unit Smart Skills Station - Soil Erosion
8. Unit Inovasi Kejuruteraan Station - Leadership Team Spirit
At the same time, it aims to foster the interest and ambition of students who attend this program to venture into a technical profession. It is also in line with HPTN's desire to emphasise technical needs in the country.
This program also aims to highlight the competence of CREaTE officers in the delivery of training, based on the application of the Synergistic Training Model gained from the Train The Trainers (TTT) JKR course. It is a mandatory course for all JKR lecturers so that the delivery of the training becomes easy to understand and remember, interesting and can be directly applied by the participants as soon as the training is completed.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to the strategic partners of the Malaysian Ministry of Education (KPM), the Melaka State Education Department (JPN), the Alor Gajah District Education Office (PPD) as well as the teachers and students around Alor Gajah who are involved in the program STEM CREaTE JKR 2023.
Referring to the results of the feedback obtained from the strategic partners of the STEM program (KPM, JPN, PPD and school teachers involved), it was found that one hundred percent (100%) agreed that this program should be recommended to others and 100% stated that they were very satisfied with training delivery techniques given to their students.
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