2004-Q1 PIARC Routes (Durban WRC General Report and Conclusions)
2004-Q2 PIARC Routes (Special Issue.Nordic Countries)
2004-Q3 PIARC Routes (Road Safety in Portugal.Durban Congress PIARC Prizes 2003)
2004-Q4 PIARC Routes (Fire Safety In Tunnels)
2005-Q2 PIARC Routes (HDM-4 A New Step Forward)
2005-Q4 PIARC Routes (Special Issue.Intelligent Transport System)
2006-Q1 PIARC Routes (2006 Begins with an Issue on Large Projects and Risk Management)
2006-Q2 PIARC Routes (Pavement Recycling.Fighting Corruptions)
2006-Q3 PIARC Routes (Report of the International Winter Maintenance Congress)
2006-Q4 PIARC Routes (New Infrastructures.Innovatives Aspects of Financing)
2007-Q1 PIARC Routes (Sub-Saharan Africa Road Administrations)
2007-Q2 PIARC Routes (Customer Orientation Urban Pavements PIARC Test Tyres)
2007-Q3 PIARC Routes (2007 PIARC Congress)
2008-Q1 PIARC Routes (23rd WRC General Report and Conclusions.PIARC Prizes)
2008-Q2 PIARC Routes (Road Safety.Corruption.Climate Change)
2008-Q3 PIARC Routes (Road Network Maintenance Issues in Latin America Countries)
2008-Q4 PIARC Routes (Road Vehicle-Interaction.Tourist Roads in Norway.Road Tunnels)
2009-Q1 PIARC Routes (Transport and Globalisation.World Bank Transport Strategy.Bridges in US)
2009-Q2 PIARC Routes (100 Years of PIARC)
2009-Q3 PIARC Routes (REAAA Special Projects.Managing Road Assets for Community Outcomes)
2009-Q4 PIARC Routes (Roads and Wildlife Preservations.Risk Perception HDM-4)
2010-Q1 PIARC Routes (Quebac City 2010 Winter Road Congress)
2010-Q2 PIARC Routes (Quebac 2010 General Report.Rural Roads.HR and Governance)
2010-Q3 PIARC Routes (Road Safety Tolling in Central Europa)
2010-Q4 PIARC Routes (Tree-Lined Avenues.Intelligent Transport System)
2011-Q1 PIARC Routes (The Evolution of Road Administration)
2011-Q3 PIARC Routes (Special Issue.Intelligent Transport System)
2012-Q2 PIARC Routes (Urban Mobility)
2012-Q3 PIARC Routes (The Next Generation of Roads)
2012-Q4 PIARC Routes (New Dev. In the Evaluation of Road Projects)
2013-Q1 PIARC Routes (Climate Change and Energy Issues)
2013-Q2 PIARC Routes (Freight Transport)
2013-Q3 PIARC Routes (Road Safety)
2013-Q4 PIARC Routes (Road Safety.Time for Action)
2014-Q1 PIARC Routes (Andorra Winter Road Congress)
2014-Q2 PIARC Routes (Rural Roads Andorra 2014 - General Report)
2014-Q3 PIARC Routes (REAAA Special Issue)
2014-Q4 PIARC Routes (Integrated Risk Management)
2015-Q1 PIARC Routes (Improved Mobility in Urban Areas)
2015-Q2 PIARC Routes (Management of Road Assets)
2016-Q1 PIARC Routes (Seoul 2015 WRC The Prize-Winning Papers)
2016-Q2 PIARC Routes (Seoul 2015 World Road Congress)
2016-Q3 PIARC Routes (Climate Change and Risk Management)
2016-Q4 PIARC Routes (Seoul 2015 World Road Congress)
2017-Q2 PIARC Routes (Connected Vehicles.Autonomous Vehicles)
2017-Q4 PIARC Routes (XV International Winter Road Congress)
2018-Q1 PIARC Routes (Road Safety)
2018-Q2 PIARC Routes (2018 International Winter Road Congress)
2018-Q4 PIARC Routes (Urban Mobility)
2019-Q1 PIARC Routes (Environment)
2019-Q2 PIARC Routes (Road Asset Management)
2019-Q3 PIARC Routes (26th World Road Congress Abu Dhabi)
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (ASSET MANAGEMENT) - General Concept and Requirements for Asset Management Training Courses (1)
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (ASSET MANAGEMENT) - Innovative Approach to Asset Management
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (BRIDGES) - Bridge Design Toward Improved Inspection and Maintenance
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (BRIDGES) - Damage and Deterioration Assessment Decision-Making for Highway Bridge Safety
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (BRIDGES) - Inspection and Damage Assessmentr Technique - Case Studies
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (BRIDGES) - Technical and Economic Considerations of Bridges Rehabilitation Methods
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (CLIMATE CHANGE) - Adaptation Framework for Road Infrastructure
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (CLIMATE CHANGE) - Adaptation Methodologies and Strategies to Increase the Resilience of Roads to Climate Change - Case Study Approach
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (DISASTER MANAGEMENT) - Disaster Information Management for Road Administrators
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (EARTHWORK) - Earthworks Manual
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (EARTHWORK) - Review of Practices Using Marginal and Secondary Materials in Rural and Industrial Areas
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (PAVEMENTS) - Green Paving Solutions and Sustainable Pavement Materials
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (PAVEMENTS) - Reducing The Life Cycle Carbon Footprint of Pavements
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (PAVEMENTS) - State of the Art in Monitoring Road Condition.Road Vehicles Interaction
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (SAFETY) - Catalogue of Case Studies
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (SAFETY) - Implementation of National Safe System Policies
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (SAFETY) - Review of Global RSA Guidelines.Consideration LMIC Countries
2019-PIARC Tech.Report (TUNNEL) - Large Underground Interconnected Infrastructure
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