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Bahagian Pengurusan dan Pemantauan Program,

Cawangan Pangkalan Udara dan Maritim.
Aras 3, Blok F,
Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia,
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin,
50582 Kuala Lumpur.

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The Acquisition Categorisation (ACAT) framework is a methodology for categorizing projects. The framework is based on five categories that provide a scale from the most demanding and complex projects to those that are less so. The largest, most demanding and complex projects are categorized as ACAT I and ACAT II: less demanding projects are categorized as ACAT III, ACAT IV and ACAT V.


Six major attributes were established against which assessment of levels of complexity are made, namely: Acquisition Cost, Project Management Complexity, Schedule Complexity, Technical Complexity, Operation and Maintenance, and the Industry readiness.


What is it?

The Acquisition Categorization (ACAT) Framework provides a consistent methodology for categorizing projects. Projects which are categorized in a consistent and logical manner with appropriate consideration of their strategic significance, project and schedule management complexity, cost, technical difficulty, operation and support implications, and commercial factors. This contributes to a common understanding on the broad characteristics of projects within JKR.

Why Use it?

The ACAT Framework is aimed at improving the quality of project and resource management with JKR and support JKR’s themes of professionalisation and standardization.

How Does It Work?

The ACAT Framework operates in conjunction with the project manager certification framework to align the complexity and scale of projects with certified experience and competencies of project managers.



The ACAT Framework in JKR is based on the Acquisition Categories that provide a graduated scale from the most demanding and complex projects to those that are less so (traditional). The largest, most demanding and complex projects are categorization Acquisition Category ACAT 1 and ACAT 2 and shall be assigned to a project manager who is certified as PM or MPD or Senior RegPM. Less demanding projects are categorized ACAT 3, ACAT 4 and ACAT 5 and require project managers certified as RegPM or QPP.


The initial assignment of a project’s ACAT level needs to be kept under review to ensure that it still reflects the complexity associated with the ACAT level assigned and in turn the certification level of its project manager. Projects are reviewed at milestone in new lifecycle. Consequent to an ACAT level review, the ACAT level could be increased, decreased or remain the same.

Kemaskini Terakhir (Thursday , 12 SEP 2013)

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