A seminar on Safety and Health - Towards Sustainability Agenda (SOSH2017) was organized by the Malaysian JKR Professional Organization (ProJKRM) with the support of the Public Works Department (JKR) Malaysia on the 4th and 5th October 2017 at Dewan Tan Sri Mahfoz Khalid.
This seminar was officiated by YBhg. Dato 'Sri. Ir. Dr. Roslan bin Md Taha, Director General of Public Works, Malaysia. In his opening remarks, he had asked for all JKR staffs and construction industry players to always be concerned about occupational safety and health while carrying out their duties and activities in project delivery. Failure to comply with the acts, procedures, guidelines and circulars that have been set will result in the project being late, increases costs and tarnishing the reputation of departments and companies involved. This situation will also make it difficult to deliver the outcome or impact expected by the government and the people.
A total of 430 participants from both government and private agencies attended the two (2) day seminar. 22 booth exhibitors exhibited their products and services related to occupational safety and health, as well as sustainability.
A total of one (1) keynote paper and eight (8) work papers were presented well-known, experienced and specialist presenters in the field of occupational safety & health whom had addressed the following areas:
1) “Safety & Health Towards Sustainability” (Keynote Paper)
Hj. Razuki bin Ibrahim, General Manager, Construction Quality & Safety Division Technology Development Sector,
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Malaysia
2) “Responsible Care”
YBhg. Dato’ Muhtar bin Hashim, Deputy Chairman,
Chemical Industry Council of Malaysia (CICM)
3) “Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Towards Sustainable Development – A Malaysia Perspective”
Hj. Sham @ Zahary bin Sudin, Senior Manager, Corporate Service and Support Department,
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia (NIOSH)
4) “Towards an Occupational Safety and Health Culture”
Rosnizawati binti Baharom, Director, Small Medium Industry and Non-Factory Sector Division
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
5) “Safety and Health Towards Sustainability – The Case of The Malaysian Oil Palm Industry.”
Dr. Ahmad Parveez bin Ghulam Kadir, Director, Advanced Biotechnology and Breeding Centre, Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
6) “Common Orthopedic Conditions Secondary to Occupational Hazard”
Dr. Hj. Ahmad Mahyuddin bin Dato’ Mohamed, Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Temerloh, Pahang (HSAAS).
7) “Leadership in Environment, Health & Safety; An Industrial Practice”
Mr. Goh Eng Leong, Managing Director,
BASF Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (BASF)
8) “Conformity Assessment Towards Sustainable Occupational Health and Safety Management System”
En. Azhar bin Mustapha, Principal Auditor Management System Certification, SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd.
9) “The KVMRT “Kongsi”’
En. Mohd Yusof bin Kasiron, Assistant GM/Head CHESS Department,
Standard & Compliance Division,
Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Corporation Sdn. Bhd.
Note: All slides can be downloaded via the following link; https://goo.gl/muCSR9
The closing ceremony of the seminar was officiated by YB Datuk Rosnah binti Abdul Rashid Shirlin, Deputy Minister of Works representing YB Dato 'Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof, Works Minister of Malaysia. In her speech, among others, she reminded that occupational safety and health are one of the most important aspects in all industries, especially in the construction industry. The level of occupational safety & health plays a key role in the enhancement of an industry’s image and makes it the industry of choice for new talents especially youths. Therefore, safety & health have been included in the Construction Industry Transformation Program (CITP) which has four strategic thrusts;
i) Quality, safety and professionalism,
ii) Environmental sustainability,
iii) Productivity and
iv) Internationalization
She had also stressed on the adoption of the MS 2593: 2015 Malaysian Standard for Temporary Construction Worker Amenities and Accommodation (Code of Practice). Participants were informed that the Labor Department (JKT) in collaboration with industry partners has provided a draft amendment to Act 445 to include provisions for minimum housing and facilities for construction workers. There are several KPIs on occupational safety & health that have been set to help sustain the sustainability agenda which encompasses the environment, social and economy.
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