Public Works Depatment staff would like to express our utmost appreciation and gratitude for the services by YBrs. Ar. Sutina bt Ghazalli,Senior Director Architect Branch who will retire on 7 May 2016.
She has been serving and contributing to the Public Works Department and nation during her tenure in the department.
Deepest congratulation to Datuk Hj Sarani bin Dollah, Deputy of Secretary (Management), Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia who have been awarded title of Darjah Kebesaran Panglima Mahkota Wilayah (PMW) on the Federal Territory Day which carries the title Datuk.
This conferment is very suited with all his sacrifice throughout the service to the Kementerian Kerja Raya and to the country especially. He played a big role in civilize the use of social media in the Kementerian Kerja Raya in order to deliver the information services to the people.
Congratulations to Ir. Dr. Megat Zuhairy Bin Megat Tajuddin from ICT Consultant Unit, Electrical Engineering branch as successfully to complete the study in “Doctor of Business Administration” from Universiti Teknologi Mara and awarded the title of Dr by senate UiTM on January 14, 2016.
Jabatan Kerja Raya communities wish a great appreciation and thank you for a full-hearted service, YBrs. Ir. Rosland Bin Abd. Ghani, JKR Director of Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya will be put an end its services this February 18, 2016.
He started his services as civil engineer on August 06, 1979 at JKR Melaka. Along his services almost 37 years, he have been placed at JKR Alor Gajah, JKR Jengka Pahang, JKR Kemaman, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Main building works branch JKR Kuala Lumpur, Road and geotechnical engineering branch and JKR Kedah.
Regret to inform that the wife of Ir. Mohd Rahim Bin Hj. Kawangit, Special assistant of Director JKR passed away and will be buried before dawn today. Wish for the blessing from Allah SWT. Al-Fatihah.
2.30 pm on Thursday, 18 February 2016, Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (JKR) received a visit from 8 delegation of Deputy Dean and Head of Department from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The meeting was led by YBhg Datuk Ir Hj Adanan Mohamed Hussain; Director of Kerja Raya Malaysia itself, Dato’ Ir. Dr. Roslan b Md Taha, TKPKR (Infra sector), Dato’ Ir. Dr.
On 21th and 22th February, Chief Director of Kerja Raya held a visit to JKR Kedah, JKR Penang and Penang SUK Office as a part of walkabout and ‘Jalinan Murni’ programme of KPKR Office to JKR state in Malaysia this year. This program