Date: Khamis, Februari 28, 2019

Seluruh Warga Jabatan Kerja Raya mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih atas khidmat bakti IR. ABDUL MUTALIF BIN ABDUL HAMEED, PENGARAH BAHAGIAN INOVASI, PENYELIDIKAN & PEMBANGUNAN KEJURUTERAAN, PUSAT KECEMERLANGAN KEJURUTERAAN DAN TEKNOLOGI JKR, CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (CREaTE) dan memilih untuk bersara pilihan pada 1 Mac 2019.

Beliau mula berkhidmat sebagai Jurutera Jalan di Cawangan Jalan Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia pada 1 Oktober 1983. Sepanjang 35 tahun dalam perkhidmatan, beliau telah berkhidmat di pelbagai gred jawatan dan tempat seperti berikut;

1) Tahun 1983 - 1984         : Jurutera Jalan, Cawangan Jalan

2) Tahun 1984 – 1988        : Jurutera Pavemen, Unit Pavemen, Cawangan Rekabentuk dan Penyelidikan

3) Tahun 1988 – 1995        : Senior Pavement Research Engineer, Institut Kerja Raya Malaysia (IKRAM)

4) Tahun 1995 – 2001        : Jurutera Awam Kanan, Cawangan Perancangan

5) Tahun 2001 – 2007        : Jurutera Awam Penguasa, Cawangan Jalan

6) Tahun 2007 – 2009        : Jurutera Awam Penguasa Kanan, Cawangan Pendidikan dan Pengajian Tinggi

7) Tahun 2009 – 2010       : Jurutera Awam Penguasa Kanan, Cawangan Kejuruteraan Cerun

8) Tahun 2010 – 2016        : Jurutera Awam Penguasa Kanan, Rekabentuk Jalan Zon Utara, Cawangan Jalan

9) Tahun 2016                    : Pengarah, Pakar Kejuruteraan Jalan dan Jambatan, Bahagian Rekabentuk Jalan, Cawangan Jalan

10) Tahun 2016 – 2019    : Pengarah, Bahagian Inovasi, Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Kejuruteraan, Pusat Kecemerlangan Kejuruteraan Dan Teknologi Jkr, Centre Of Excellence For Engineering And Technology (Create)

Di atas khidmat bakti sepanjang dalam perkhidmatan awam, beliau telah menerima beberapa pengiktirafan, antaranya ;

a) Anugerah
1. Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang (APC); Tahun 2006 dan 2011

b)  Pengiktirafan kelayakan profesional dan kekompetenan seperti berikut;
1. Berdaftar dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia
2. Professional Engineer with Practising Certificate (PEPC)
3. Life Member REAAA (No: L0137)

c) Sumbangan dan Kegiatan Tugas Rasmi
1. Causes of pavement failure - Experience from case studies – Senior officers conference, Kuantan, June, 1989 (co-author).
2. The effect of quality control of bituminous mixtures on pavement performance - Mesyuarat  pegawai-pegawai kanan JKR di Shah Alam, 1990 ( co-author).
3. The prediction and treatment of reflection cracking in thin bituminous overlays, 2nd Malaysian Road Conference, 10- 13 June, 1990 (co-author).
4. Reflection crack propagation in asphaltic concrete overlays in Malaysia –  7th Conference of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Singapore, June, 1992 (co-author).
5. Performance of bituminous overlays in Malaysia - 2nd IKRAM Colloquium, December, 1992.
6. A guide to the visual assessment of flexible pavement surface conditions - IKRAM  series (Pavement) ISP-l (JKR 20709-2060-92).
7. Performance of bituminous overlays in Malaysia - PENEMUAN, Vol.4: January 1993, IKRAM.
8. Pavement behaviour under Malaysian Climatic Conditions - Shell Flexible Pavement  Seminar, Penang, April, 1993 (author).
9. Technological advances in road rehabilitation – 1st Malaysian Road Conference (MRC), Kuala Lumpur, June, 1994 (co-author).
10. The effect of edge restraint on FWD deflection values tested on asphalt road pavement-1st Malaysian Road Conference (MRC), Kuala Lumpur, June, 1994 (co-author).
11. Bituminous pavement behaviour under tropical conditions - Malaysian Experience -  1 st Malaysian Road Conference (MRC), Kuala Lumpur, June, 1994 (co-author).
12. Flexible pavement behaviour under tropical conditions - A case study in Malaysia - The 4th International Conference on Bearing Capacity of Roads and airfields, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, July, 1994 (author).
13. The effect of edge restraint on FWD deflection values tested on asphalt road pavement - The 4th International Conference on Bearing Capacity of Roads and airfields, Minneapolis,             Minnesota, USA, July, 1994 (co-author).
14. Bituminous pavement behaviour under tropical conditions - A case study in Malaysia - International Road Federation (IRF) Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July, 1994  (author).
15. Performance of bituminous overlays in Malaysia - Lecture note: Rekabentuk Jalan untuk Jurutera Awam / Pembantu Teknik, IKRAM, April, 1994.
16. Advisory Note No: IKRAM P-1 - Pavement Resurfacing: How soon will it recrack !!, IKRAM, 1994.
17. Pavement Evaluation: Lecture Note, IKRAM, 1994.
18. Interim guide to evaluation and rehabilitation of flexible road pavements - IKRAM series (Pavement) ISP-2 (JKR 20709-0315-94).
19. Lecture at IEM - Evaluation and rehabililtation of flexible road pavement in Malaysia, The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, 20th October, 1994.
20. Cost effective road maintenance through innovations - 12th Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organisations (CAFEO-12), Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 28 - 30th November, 1994 (author).
21. Bituminous Overlays - Its performance in Malaysia - International Workshop on Highway Development and Management Tools (HDM-IV), IKRAM, 28th November to 1st December, 1994 (author).
22. Long Term Performance of Flexible Pavement, Laporan Teknikal No. 137 (JKR 20709 - 0352-95), IKRAM, July, 1995.
23. Innovative Methods for Road Rehabilitation - Mesyuarat pegawai-pegawai kanan JKR Malaysia 1995, Hyatt Regency, Johor Bahru, 19 - 22 Ogos, 1995 (co-author).
24. Cost-Effective Road Pavement Rehabilitation Through Innovations - PIARC XX World Road Congress - Montreal, 4th September, 1995 (co-­author).
25. Cost Effective Road Pavement Rehabilitation Through Innovations - Second International Conference on Road & Airfield Pavement Technology (2nd ICPT '95), Singapore, 27 - 29 September, 1995 (co-author).
26. The effect of material properties on the performance of asphaltic concrete surfacings in Malaysia, TRL, Unpublished Project Report PR/ORC/079/95 Project No. R 5612, 1995 (co-author).
27. Lecture at LLM - Assessment and Evaluation of Pavement Condition, Malaysia Highway Authority (LLM) HQ, Malaysia, 4th September, 1996.
28. A new approach to model effects of pavement maintenance in HDM-IV, JKR Senior officers conference in Kuala Terengganu, 26 - 29 May, 1996 (co-author)
29. Selection between slip-form and fixed form paving methods for better quality of Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC), Malaysian Experiences, REAAA Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 3 - 8 May 1998 (co-author).
30. Paper on Road Asset Management (RAMS), Cawangan Jalan, December 2004.
31. Presented a paper on 'Asset Management System- International Perspective' at ITE 2005 Annual Meeting & Exhibit, Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 August 2005
32. Presented a paper on 'Pavement Evaluation & Performance' to JKR Engineers and Technicians at Mesyuarat Teknologi Pembinaan Jalan, Port Dickson, 29 Mei 2005
33. A team member in the Expert Study Group to review the manual on 'Design of Flexible Pavement Structures- A manual for the structural design of new asphalt pavements and asphalt pavement overlays' -(JKR 20601-LK­o 156-KP-05)
34. Capacity Building through Systems Development, JKR Senior officers conference in Sunway Lagoon, Selangor, 2006 (co-author)
35. QC/QA in Asphalt Pavement Construction - JKR's Perspective- Is Quality Under Control?, Institut Pengangkutan Malaysia (MITRANS), UiTM, Shah Alam, 20 June 2006
36.  Federal Roads in Malaysia - Functional and Structural Conditions, Mesyuarat Ketua-Ketua Penolong Pengarah Jalan di Miri, Sarawak, 4 December 2006
37. Participated in the PIARC (WorId Road Congress) Council Meeting on Technological Exchanges and Development Commission and delivered a paper on 'Highway Network Development Plan for Malaysia', Madrid, Spain, 19-24 November 2006.
38. A technical committee member in the preparation of' Guidelines on Slope Maintenance in Malaysia' - (JKR 21503-0001-06)
39. Pavement Evaluation and Performance, Malaysian Technical Corporation Programme (MTCP)- International Course on Road Construction and Maintenance.
40. Paper on 'Pindaan JKR/SPJ/88 Section 4: Flexible Pavement- Road Shoulder, Unbound & Bound Layer' workshop, Berjaya Times Square Hotel, KL, 29 & 30 January 2007
41.  Participated in the PIARC (World Road Congress) meeting on Strategic Planning Commission & Executive Committee Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 7-9 Mei 2007.
42. Bituminous Road Surfacing in Highly Stressed Areas, 7th Malaysian Road Conference, Sunway Lagoon, Selangor, 17-19 July 2007 (co-author)
43. Participated in the 23rd PIARC (World Road Congress) Conference and delivered a paper on 'Malaysia's response to the December 2004 Tsunami' at Palais De Congress, Paris, 13 - 24 September 2007.
44. Presented a paper on 'Pavement Evaluation & Rehabilitation' at UTM (SPACE Programme), UTM, 4th February 2007
45. Presented a paper on 'Road Maintenance & Construction (SEMKA 2007) at UTM, Skudai, Johor, 9th Mei 2007
46. Presented a paper on 'Guidelines on the Selection of Pavement Types: Asphalt or Concrete' at Hotel Singgahsana, Petaling Jaya, 22 April 2008.
47. Pembentangan `Design Guide for Alternative Pavement Structures- Low Volume Roads’ kepada Ketua Setiausaha Negara dalam mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tindakan Negara pada 20 hb Januari 2012
48. Presented a paper on `Pavement Evaluation & Rehabilitation’ di Seminar Keselamatan Jalan untuk pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT), Primula Beach Hotel, Kuala Terengganu, 23-25 Mei 2012
49. Design Guide for Alternative Pavement Structures- Low Volume Roads - JKR 21300-0025-12, Mei 2012 (Main Author)
50. Moderator, International Seminar on Natural Rubber in Roads, 27-28 April 2017, CREaTE, Melaka

d) Lain – Lain Sumbangan
1.  Jawatankuasa Kerja Joint 14th REAAA and 2nd PIECE Conference 2013 Technical Programme Committee.
2. Ahli Panel Pakar Penilai Projek Penyelidikan JKR Malaysia .
3. Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja Pengurusan Kompetensi (Owner Bidang Kejuruteraan Jalan)
4. Ahli Panel Penilai Anugerah Inovasi JKR Malaysia 2011
5. Ahli Jawatankuasa Malaysia National Committee di bawah PIARC (World Road Congress).
6. Ahli Jawatankuasa Kajian Kejuruteraan Pavemen
7. Ahli Jawatankuasa Teknikal: Pindaan JKR/SPJ/88 Section 4: Flexible Pavement
8. Ahli Jawatankuasa Teknikal: Pindaan JKR/SPJ/88 Section 5: Concrete Pavement
9. Ahli Jawatankuasa Teknikal Pavement Selection: Concrete or Flexible Pavement
10. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknikal: Design Guide for Alternative Pavement Structures for Low Volume Roads
11. Ahli Jawatankuasa dan Urusetia Road Industrial Interfacing Committee (RIIC)
12. Ahli Jawatankuasa penerbitan manual Design of Flexible Pavement Structures - A manual for the structural design of new asphalt  pavements and asphalt pavement overlays
13. Menyampaikan kertas kerja kepada peserta program Malaysian Technical Corporation Programme (MTCP), Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Malaysia, Jabatan Perdana Menteri Malaysia– International Course on Road Construction and Maintenance
14. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Working Group on Bitumen and Bitumen Products – WG/H/0-5 SIRIM
15. Penceramah bagi Seminar Pengurusan Aset Jalan di atas tajuk Pavement Evaluation & Rehabilitation
16. Ahli Jawatankuasa pemilihan nama perunding Cawangan Kejuruteraan Jalan & Geoteknik
17. Pengerusi sesi Seminar peningkatan kualiti pelaksanaan projek jalan di kawasan berbukit, 4-5 April 2011, PWTC
18. Mentor, Program pementoran JKR Cawangan Kejuruteraan Jalan & Geoteknik.
19. Ahli Jawatankuasa  bagi Unit pemantauan bebas Lynas Advance Material Plant dari 9 April 2012 hingga 8 April 2014
20. Moderator Seminar Fasiliti Keselamatan Jalan, 4-5 Julai 2012, KKR
21. Member of the Technical Committee TC 4.2 Road Pavements under Strategic Theme 4- Infrastructure for the 2012 – 2015 cycle, World Road Association (PIARC)
22. Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengajian Program Master Kejuruteraan Lebuhraya dan Pengangkutan Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Putra Malaysia bagi tiga tahun mulai 1 Disember 2016
23. Member of the Organising Committee for the 2nd IRF ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 2016 – Connecting Asia with better Roads, KL on the 16-20 October 2016
24. Committee Member of Road Engineering Association of Malaysia (REAM) Education Fund for the term 2017-2019
25. Member of the Technical Committee D2 Pavement for Cycle 2016-2019. World Road Association (PIARC)
26. Auditor bagi Pasukan Khas Audit, Projek Pembinaan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (KLIA2) dan Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad
27. Sponsor Kompetensi Disiplin Awam bagi Sesi 2016 – 2018
28. Panel Penilai Tahap 4 bagi bidang kompetensi JKR Road Engineering dan Road Safety Engineering

Beliau telah memberikan khidmat dan sumbangan yang amat bernilai kepada JKR khususnya dan negara amnya. Diharapkan agar IR. ABDUL MUTALIF BIN ABDUL HAMEED dan keluarga akan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera dan sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Semoga beliau dan keluarga sentiasa dikurniakan kesihatan dan kebahagian serta mendapat rahmat dan redha Allah SWT.

Selamat maju jaya dalam apa jua bidang yang diceburi dan Selamat Bersara.